Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Angels and Demons Journal Entry Numero Uno

As with many other books out there, I can relate to certain parts through life experiences, and I can understand the book in a deeper meaning.

"Pain is part of growing up. It's how we learn." stated Chartrand while he was discussing the crisis in the Vatican city with the camerlengo (page 453). Chartrand was estatic that God would somehow find a way to save his chldren on Earth, and he wouldnt let anything bad happen to his offspring. The camerlengo, however, was explaining how dads today would let their children learn from their mistakes, and when they get hurt, they learn not to make the same error, or they will know the consequence. He then tied in the crisis they were facing, which happened to be pure annihilation within the world's smallest country. He then finished the chat by pointing out "Exactly", in which the camerlengo made his point clear, and told Chartrand not to get his hopes up. They both knew that God was either all-powerful or well-meaning, however they figured he could not be both. The camerlengo was making his point clear that God would not save his followers because they made a mistake, and they had to learn from it.


Mclovin said...

Well thought out post David. There is always the question of why bad things happen to us and not someone else or why God doesn't intervene so we don't get hurt. I was brought up very religious myself and I think this quote and their whole conversation that Chartrand and the camerlengo have does an excellent job of explaining that question.

deoliver9 said...

I agree with David's post. Everywhere you go you hear people complaining and saying that if there is truley a god out there then why do all these horrible occurances keep on happening? Why do we lose the ones we love? Why are there starving people in the world? We can't expect to be babied throughout our entire lives (by either our parents or God). Learning and expanding is all about getting out into the world and making mistakes. Part of that is also learning that we need to help the needy and not just hope that someone else will do it for us. People need to take charge of their own lives, and to be able to accept that pain is a part of growing up. Deep quote Dave :)

byronb said...

I like the analagy that God does not help man with every mistake or he would never learn. And that man is still young like you and me and has to learn from the mistakes he has made. I also like how you said that God does not help man from thier mistakes beacuase it is not Gods mistakes yet he is there for guidence.